Somatoform Disorder
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What is Somatoform disorder
It is primarily characterized by the presence of recurrent and multiple somatic complaints of several years duration for which medical attention has been sought but which was apparently not due to any physical disorder.
Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Vomiting (other than during pregnancy) Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain (other than when menstruating)
- Bloating
- Intolerance of (gets sick from) several different foods
Pain Symptoms
- Pain in extremities
- Joint pain
- Other pain (excluding headaches)
- Back pain
- Pain during urination
Cardiopulmonary symptoms
- Amnesia
- Loss of voice
- Double version
- Blindness
- Seizure or convulsion
- Paralysis or muscle weakness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Deafness
- Blurred vision
- Fainting or loss of consciousness
- Trouble walking
- Urinary retention or difficulty urinating
Sexual Symptoms
For the major part of the person’s life after opportunities for sexual activates Burning sensation in sexual organs or rectum (other than during intercourse)
Sexual indifference
- Pain during intercourse
- Impotence
Female Reproductive Symptoms
Judged by the person to occur more frequently or severely than in most women painful menstruation
- Excessive menstrual bleeding
- Vomiting throughout pregnancy
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT is a commonly used talking therapy, which is an action-based therapeutic method that helps you to understand the condition further, as well as the reasons behind why you might be experiencing the emotional and physical problems that are associated with it.
Our experienced therapists will help you to learn techniques that are geared towards more positive thought processes in relation to your condition, which may include:
• Adapting your extreme beliefs about your health and physical symptoms
• Learning how to reduce stress
• Coping techniques for when you experience physical symptoms
• Reducing preoccupation with your symptoms
• Improving your ability to function daily in various situations
• Addressing stress, anxiety and depression which may be contributing to symptoms of SSD

Mindfulness is accepted as an additional treatment to CBT for reducing the symptoms. This involves elements of the CBT, with the addition of current psychological methods that can teach you to be present in the moment, as opposed to dwelling on what may or may not happen in the future.
Using breathing and meditation techniques, you will begin to learn how to clear your mind of negative thoughts which may be contributing to the preoccupation and health anxiety that is experienced if you have SSD, as well as associated symptoms of depression.

Medication can be used for SSD when this is used alongside therapy, and can be particularly effective if you are experiencing symptoms of health anxiety, pain or depression that are commonly associated with the condition.
It is important to remember that it can take several weeks to notice improvement in symptoms when taking medication such as antidepressants.