Our Team

- MD in Psychiatry from SMS Medical College, Jaipur
- MBBS Ramiahah Medical College, Bangalore
- Diploma Course in Child and Adolescence , England
- Internationally Qualified Rator
(for MINI, MADRS, HAMD, YMRS, SCID-I, GAS, CGI, PANNS rating scales. &GCP Certified Doctor)
Dr. Manish Bhargava
Dr Manish Bhargava is a Senior Psychiatrist with an experience of more than 18 years during this period he has successfully treated & cured thousands of patients in India and as well in UK his vast experience as an Consultant Psychiatrist expands in treating patients of,
- De-addiction,
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Dementia
- Seizure disorder
- Headaches
- Child related ADHD
- Autism & Learning Disabilities
- Prenatal Mental Health (PMH)
- Sexual Disorders

Dr. R.K. Rolaniya
(Consultant Physiotherapist)
- B.P.T. , NDT, IAFT
- Certified Diet consultant
- Fitness Trainer
- Certified Zumba & Aerobics

Dr. Megha Vijay
M. P. T(ortho&sports)